2024 Photos

Photos 2024

Robin Hood Pairs 2024

The 2024 competition saw around 30 members gather in Buckingham Park for a day of bowling, eating BBQ'd food and socializing. An early start for some (JMcM and Bob were there from 7 a.m.). The day started with nice sunshine, but turned cool in in the afternoon. Thanks go to all who organised, set things up, provided food, scored matches and cleaned up afterwards.

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The Green Man! It was 7:30 in the morning. "Thank you" to John (or was it Robin) for being that early.

The fixtures for the day.

Match #1 (+ Robin Hood).

Match #4.

Play stopped for a feathered friend.

Runners Up Roy & Jane being presented by John and Dave.

Match #3.

The Burgermaster. Thanks for the bacon rolls and the lunch burgers

Match #2.

Match #5.

The finalists, Marty & Ian v Roy & Jane.

... and the highest individual score won by Marion, being presented by John and Dave.

Match #6.

Winners Marty & Ian being presented by John and Dave.