League Tables & Info.

The Leagues that SBC are in - 2024.

Adur League

The Shoreham Bowling Club team compete in the Adur League, which is a mixed league. Games take place at 17:30/18:00 and are formed of  4 triples mixed. Games take place on Friday. Dress is greys.

The current Adur League table can be linked to here, when available.

Brighton & Hove District League.

Shoreham Bowling Club has one team in the Brighton and Hove District league. The Team is currently playing in Division 1. The league is for men, and games are played on a Tuesday night at 17:30/18:00 unless postponed and re-arranged, where times may differ.

The games are played in Rinks and have 3 teams of 4 in each squad.

For current BHDL League Table - click the button . . 

Bill HawkinsTrophy

Follow the link for the latest results.  (You may have to refresh the page when you get there).

For the Bill Hawkins Trophy latest results for 2023 - click the button . .

Hove League.

Shoreham Bowling Club have one mixed team in the Hove League which is played between May and September. The Divisional winners  play in the League Final in September at a neutral ground. Dress is greys.

This year SBC are in Division C.

For current Hove League table . . . . . click the button . .

Brodie League.

Shoreham Bowling Club have a mixed team in the Brodie League which is played between April and September. Matches consist of 1 pair, 1 rink and 2 triples and there are 18 ends. Matches played at 14:00 on various days of the week. Dress is club shirt and navy pants/shorts or whites.

For current Brodie League table . . . . . click the button . .

Ladies League.

Shoreham Bowls Club have a ladies team in the Brighton, Hove & District Women's Bowls League for the first time in 2024. There are 7 clubs in the league with the format being 2 triples playing 18 ends. Matches are played on Tuesdays at 10am from early June to early September. Dress is club shirt with greys or blue pants/shorts.

The current Ladies League table can be linked to here, when available.

SBC Members Singles League.

The League matches are 15 ends of 4 woods, each with a fixed 2 metre jack, and a moveable mat. All ends are played out.